Religious Specific Settings

MACCS™ comes with the ability to allow your organization to customize the actual names of the fields in many areas to meet your organization's specific religious needs. Throughout the funeral service process, many of the religious specific fields can be renamed to fit your religion (instead of fitting your religion to the software). Some of the fields which are user-definable include:

Clergy Field Title:
  Priest, Pastor, Rabbi, Cantor, etc.
House of Worship Field Title:
  Church, Temple, Synagogue
Language Field Title:
  Latin, Greek, Hebrew, etc.
Clergy Branch Field Title:
  Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, etc.
Receiving Period Field Title:
  Shiva, Wake, etc.

MACCS will then automatically change depending upon the specific religion of the deceased.

Religious Specific Capabilities

With the Religious module in place, MACCS™ can assist with tracking and providing many of the needs specific to a religious organization - capabilities such as:

Clergy Card Printing
Clergy Honorarium
Memorial Candle Tracking
Yahrzeit Date Tracking
Dedication Service Tracking
Shiva/Wake Receiving Time Period
Religious (ie: Given) Name Tracking

No other software in the industry has such a comprehensive list of features all integrated so fully.



  Religious specific settings
  Clergy Naming
  House of Worship Naming
  Clergy Card Printing
  Jewish Yahrzeit Calendar Capabilities
  Religious Specific Name Tracking
  Honorarium Tracking







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